The History of Manflower Co
From humble beginnings in Melbourne to the homes of beer drinkers across Australia; we are in awe looking back on the adventures that our first year has brought us.
Whether you’ve chatted with the team while choosing the perfect gift for your loved one, interacted with us on social media, or met us during delivery runs in the days before we brought Mr. Postman on board, chances are you’ve noticed that we strive for simple yet effective man gifting, packaged up in a sleek box that turns up at your front door in a timely fashion. Anything to put a smile on your beer drinker's face, right?
What you may not know is the nitty gritty that goes down at Manflower Co HQ daily and the plans we have up our beer drenched sleeves for 2018. In honour of our first birthday, we’re eager to share some behind the scenes details of Manflower Co with you.
A peek behind the scenes
As much as we’d love to tell you that our days consist of kicking back and sipping craft brews in search of the next concoction to add to our Manflower Co garden, what we really get up to behind the scenes is a little more complicated. (Note: If anyone DOES need beer sampling, we will happily volunteer as tributes.)
From forging new collaborations with Australian breweries and searching for quality products to add to our gift range to brainstorming fresh designs and ensuring your items arrive as efficiently as possible, all activities are carried out under the watchful eye of Emma, our founder.
Having hashed out a plan for simplifying man gifting long ago, Emma keeps us on track and in hot pursuit of our ultimate goal; becoming your favourite digital destination when gifting for the beer drinker in your life.
With an aim to showcase local products, serve only the finest beer, and help you celebrate holidays in a way that strays from the norm, we knew that offering a four pack of lip-smacking, delicately brewed beers was only the start.

From four packs to six packs and beyond
In early 2017 we cultivated our very first bunch of Manflowers. Featuring a four pack of locally brewed craft beer huddled together in our iconic white packaging, our four packs were hand delivered by the team to the homes of eager sippers in the Melbourne area.
Fast forward a few months and we expanded the range - and delivery area - to include six packs and high quality gift pairings that were beginning to hit front porches nationwide.
From face cleansers and beard oil that add flair to Babe’s grooming regimen to a waterproof Bluetooth speaker that every picnic goer needs and some very essential shower beer holders, our gift shop grew quicker than we could polish off a craft brew on a warm summer day.
As our gift packs evolved so too did our packaging, with our latest design featuring eye-catching pastels that spend their days waiting at your door step emitting nothing but good vibes.
While our products and packaging may come and go, our intention to provide you with ultra-drinkable brews and unique yet useful gifts will never change.

From FOUR PACKS to six packs and beyond
In early 2017 we cultivated our very first gift collection. Featuring a four pack of locally brewed craft beer huddled together in our iconic white packaging, our four packs were hand delivered by the team to the homes of eager sippers in the Melbourne area.
Fast forward a few months and we expanded the range - and delivery area - to include six packs and high quality gift pairings that were beginning to hit front porches nationwide.
From face cleansers and beard oil that add flair to your beer drinker's grooming regimen to a waterproof Bluetooth speaker that every picnic goer needs and some very essential shower beer holders, our gift shop grew quicker than we could polish off a craft brew on a warm summer day.
As our gift packs evolved so too did our packaging, with our latest design featuring eye-catching pastels that spend their days waiting at your door step emitting nothing but good vibes. While our products and packaging may come and go, our intention to provide you with ultra-drinkable brews and unique yet useful gifts will never change.
What’s next?
With Valentine’s Day - and the unprecedented demand for gift boxes that left our shelves looking rather barren - done and dusted and a fresh batch of local craft brews in the warehouse, we’re looking ahead to our plans for the coming year.
Keep an eye out for new beers being added to our lineup, an expansion of our gift range, and some ciders sneaking into the mix in the near future.
In the meantime, join us as we raise a collective glass to the beer drinkers of Australia and their loved ones who purchased a lil' somethin' somethin' for them during our first trip around the sun. Without you, our thirst quenching visions would not be possible.
Happy sipping!
The team at Manflower Co